Effect of zinc fertilization on cadmium uptake and accumulation in two barley ( Hordeum vulgare) cultivars 锌肥对不同基因型大麦吸收积累镉的影响
Toxicity of heavy metals to Hordeum vulgare 重金属对大麦(Hordeumvulgare)毒性的研究
With immature embryo rescue and callus induction method, the somaclones from Aegilops tauschii × Hordeum vulgare intergeneric hybrid's calli were regenerated. 通过幼胚拯救技术诱导愈伤组织分化再生植株,建立了节节麦×大麦杂种胚无性系。
Effects of cadmium on cell division and Chromosmal morphology of Hordeum vulgare 镉对大麦细胞分裂和染色体形态的影响
This paper deals with the mechanism of inhibition of NH_3 from urea hydrolysis in silt loam soil with low K content and the prevention of this toxicity by the application of farm manure and K on barley ( Hordeum vulgare Jess). 本文主要研究粉砂性低钾土壤上尿素产生的氨对大麦的毒害以及施用有机肥和钾肥对防治大麦氨害的作用。
A new techniqe which allows a differential staining of sister chromatids in Vicia faba, Allium cepa, Hordeum vulgare, Secale cereale has been established. 本文以蚕豆、洋葱、大麦、黑麦为材料,建立了一个植物姐妹染色单体分染(SCD)新技术。
Investigations were made for the fusion process of female and male gametes, as well as the embryo and endosperm development of the hybrids ( Hordeum vulgare × Triticum aestivum). 对大麦与小麦远缘杂交时雌雄性核的结合及杂种胚和胚乳的发育情况进行了观察。
Toxicity of Three Organophosphorus Pesticides on Hordeum Vulgare Seedling 三种有机磷农药对大麦毒性效应的研究
Current Situation and Tendency of Research on Exploitation of Barley ( Hordeum Vulgare) Heterosis 大麦杂种优势利用研究的现状和趋势
Regulation of 6-benzylaminopurine ( BA) and abscisic acid ( ABA) on selectivity for K~+ over Na~+ and distribution of free proline in Hordeum vulgare 6-苄氨基嘌呤(BA)和脱落酸(ABA)对大麦Na~+、K~+选择性和游离脯氨酸分配的调节
Morphogenesis and development of chloroplasts in anthers of Hordeum vulgare 大麦花药中叶绿体的发生和发育
Two barley 6H chromosome specific RAPD markers were obtained by screening DNA of barley Hordeum vulgare ( Betzes) and wheat-barley 6H addition line with 200 primers, then the RAPD markers were changed into specific PCR markers. 从大麦、小麦和小麦-大麦6H染色体附加系RAPD分析筛选出对6H染色体特异的2个RAPD标记,转换为特异性PCR标记,利用该标记对不同植物材料进行PCR扩增鉴定。
The beta-glucuronidase ( GUS) gene was used as reporter gene to study gene expression with mesophyll protoplasts isolated from barley ( Hordeum vulgare) using PEG mediated transformation. 本研究以GUS(9-葡糖苷酸酶)基因为报道基因,采用PEG转化法,对大麦(Hordeumvulgare)叶肉原生质体进行直接转化。